Parents' Council
As the parents' council, we act as the parents' mouthpiece and the link between parents and school.
Our task is to represent the interests and concerns of the students through their parents and to maintain a trusting dialogue with the school management. We are available as contact persons for the parents and ensure that their wishes, questions and suggestions or even criticism are passed on to the school management. This gives us as parents the opportunity to actively shape our children's school life and learning.
The JSS Parents' Council is made up of one parent representative and one deputy from each class, who are elected by the parents of each class at the first parents' evening at the beginning of the new school year.
In addition to the large parent council meetings of all representatives, we have a regular exchange with the representatives of each grade and the school management – a great opportunity to discuss current topics directly and in a small circle.
We invite you to support our international school community with commitment and constructive cooperation and to seek dialogue in the event of various ambiguities. Share your ideas with us and form your own picture of the Josef-Schwarz-Schule.
However, you are also welcome to contact the other parent representatives directly. You can find an overview here: Elternbeiratsliste
Stefanie Schwärmer and Sylvia Bieligk look forward to hearing from if you have any questions or suggestions: