Computer Science – Mathematics – Physics (CMP/IMP)
1. Media Competence
A competent use of media is a central focus at the Josef-Schwarz-Schule.
Media education is therefore an independent subject in grade 5 as well as in grade 6. In this subject, the students learn how to deal with the digital world. The youngest students receive a sound introduction to working with laptops. In addition, they are prepared to use the TEAMS learning platform as well as Microsoft Office programmes. This introduction is taken up by the other subjects so that the students learn to apply their acquired knowledge directly in the respective subject context.
Auch der Umgang mit der digitalen Kommunikation (z.B. Chats, WhatsApp,…) ist Bestandteil unseres Medienbildungskonzepts.
Parallel zum Fach Medienbildung in Klasse 5 und 6 ist das Fach BNT um eine Projektgruppe erweitert, in der die Grundlagen der Programmiersprache Scratch (Klasse 5) sowie eine Einführung in das Programmieren der LEGO-Mindstorm-Roboter (Klasse 6) stattfinden. Diese Einführung wird in einer freiwilligen Robotik-AG am Nachmittag weiter vertieft, bei der alle Schüler ab Klasse 6 teilnehmen dürfen.
In Klasse 7 haben wir den Aufbaukurs Informatik als verbindlichen Inhalt für alle Klassen, dessen Fokus auf den Grundlagen blockbasierter Sprachen liegt. Die Schüler erlernen neben einer Weiterführung der Programmiersprache Scratch, die App-Entwicklung mit Hilfe des MIT-App-Inventors sowie erste Grundlagen im Microcontrolling mit der Platine B.O.B.3.
2. Computer Science (IMP) as a specialisation: Computer Science in context
The declared aim of the Josef-Schwarz-Schule is to teach computer science in context. Computer science contents are not to be treated in isolation, but rather with a reference to the students' world of life.
Particularly enthusiastic students have the additional option of choosing the new subject IMP as a profile subject in grade 8. In this subject, the basics from the basic computer science course are expanded and the students learn text-based programming of Arduinos (small computers that are used to control sensors in robots) in grade 8 as well as the programming language Python 3 in grade 9.
The absolute highlight, however, is the final project in grade 10. In this project, the students equip a weather balloon with two different probes to measure altitude and other parameters. This balloon is filmed with the help of an on-board camera as it makes its journey to the stratosphere.
Here, computer science is applied vividly and directly to the most important application fields of our modern society. Due to this great concept and our equipment, we are one of the few schools to bear the signet "Digital School" in addition to the signet "STEM friendly school".
3. Computer Science as a performance subject
For its course level, the Josef-Schwarz-Schule is aiming to offer computer science as a five-hour performance subject. The offer is primarily aimed at students who have already taken the subject IMP in the middle school.